Beechwood Hills is a 23 acre camp built on a wooded hillside on the shore of East Lake; slightly north of Hopkins, Michigan.
The purpose of Beechwood Hills is to maintain a retreat for all people to enjoy the wonders of God's creation in a Christian environment. The mission of Beechwood Hills Christian Camp is to provide a present day retreat for all followers of Christ to be able to witness and fellowship free from worldly distractions. It is committed to the instruction of youth and families in the principles of a holy life as taught and modeled in the Word of God. In 1975 a group of members from the churches of Christ in West Michigan bought the campground now known as Beechwood Hills Christian Camp. Since the beginning the goal was to offer a place for children to stay for a week and experience life under the influence of Christians. The children are totally immersed in Bible teaching, singing songs of praise, prayer, and enjoying nature. Each day there are Bible studies, chapel service, and campfire, where thoughts are turned to our God. They have opportunity to make new friends and participate in many games designed for their age group.
We believe that combining spiritual activity in a setting away from everyday chores of home has a powerful impact on each one. Over the years of operation there have been many baptisms that have taken place in the lake as young people make that final decision at camp. |