Beechwood Hills Christian Camp is a 501c3 registered non-profit organization. Your donation goes a long way to help pay for projects and updates so we can keep the land and facilities working great for our visitors and campers every year. If you're able to donate physical items, our wish list is below. Donations of any size are very much appreciated. Thank you for your support!
Phone-a-Thon 2024 $50,000 goal to go toward some upcoming projects such as renovating the men's bathroom in the dining hall, doing some roof repairs on the chapel, repairing cabin roofs, and more. For every $50 donated gets an entry into a drawing for either a free week of summer camp or a 5 day stay at camp. |
Donating to Beechwood is now even easier!
Make a one-time donation or a recurring donation to support the camp!
Wish List:
Ball Pump
Big Storage Totes (to hold balls and sports equipment)
Charcoal Grill
Baby Swing (for swing set)
Ball Pump
Big Storage Totes (to hold balls and sports equipment)
Charcoal Grill
Baby Swing (for swing set)